Saturday, December 7, 2019
Internet of Things and Feature Of Connectivity †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Internet of Things and Feature Of Connectivity. Answer: Introduction: The following report discusses about the main concepts of the Internet of Things technology. The main definition for the technology includes facilitation of features of connectivity among the various devices connected to the same network. This technology is used to automate the devices so that the need for human interactions is reduced. Although, the technology is a great way to increase the efficiency of devices to handle work on their own, there are a number of disadvantages to it that makes it unacceptable to most of the common people. The report includes an analysis of the current risks that are seen from many Internet of Things devices. In addition, the report also includes various solutions to be applied to mitigate the risks analyzed. Discussion: The main definition of the Internet of Things technology includes the facilitation of connectivity features among various devices connected to the same network [1]. This technology is used to automate the devices so that the need for human interactions is reduced which in turn increases the efficiency of work. Literature review: Overview The main concept of the Internet of Things technology is used to connect various devices to the internet in a very easy way. The various devices include phones, kitchen appliances, cleaning equipments, temperature controllers and other devices which can be connected to the same network [2]. This concept can also be used to connect various parts of machines like airplanes or big equipments. The concept of the relationship applied in the technology includes the people-people relationships, things-things relationships as well as the people-things relationships. Working: The main concepts of the Internet of Things technology use the integration of various sensors or actuators in devices. These small chips help in the connectivity features across the network. In addition, the devices are also integrated with their own IP address to facilitate internet connectivity. The Internet of things (IoT) technology has passed beyond the use of mere wireless technologies or electro-mechanical systems which have helped the technology to break the barrier between the informational technology and the operational technology [3]. This is the reason for the various IoT devices to analyze the various data-sets for improvement and insights. Benefits: The Internet of Things technology is beneficial in many ways. The main benefits includes saving the human interactions needed for doing work. The first benefit of the Internet of Things concept is the analysis of data. The data analysis by the devices helps in making the right decisions for the users and reduces the human interactions that are required [4]. For example, for a modern grocery shop with great shopping features, if the machine can guess the requirement of the customers depending on their past purchase behaviors, the time and convenience is saved leading to great innovations in the world. Tracking of the products is another benefit that can be acknowledged from the Internet of Things devices. They have modern sensors installed on them which help to analyze the products manufacture and expiration date. This helps to notify the users whether the products has gone bad or can still be consumed. The benefits of time saving are another factor which drives the implementation of the Internet of Things concept. As automation is achieved by connecting the devices, the need for constant human interactions is reduced. This in turn saves the time for the person in charge for those devices. The financial aspect is another benefit of the Internet of things concept. As the devices are fully automated, the need for human interactions is reduced [5]. This reduces the presence of responsible authorities to constantly monitor the devices. This in turn increases the revenue made by the company as the cost for employees are reduced. Disadvantages: As the devices implementing the concept of the Internet of Things, the need for staying connected to the internet is a necessity. This causes various security or privacy related concerns. The first disadvantage of this technology is the requirement for compatibility features. The existing devices in an infrastructure may not have sensors enabled on it to implement the concept of IoT. This causes the responsible authorities to purchase new equipments for facilitating connections among each other [6]. This increases the expenditure of the company or organization concerned. Moreover, the devices with IoT technology integrations may not successfully connect to each other due to their difference in connection layer. The complexity of working is another factor which leads to the disadvantages to the system. For example, in case of home applications, the connected device may inform all the family members regarding a shortage of products [7]. This in turn will lead to all the members to purchase the same products leading to hindrances. The devices do not come with advanced features to focus on the complexity of operations. The issues in privacy are a major concern for the manufacturers of devices implementing the IoT technology. As the devices are to stay connected to the network all the time, the privacy risks it poses is much too high. The devices need to know the profile of the customers to stay in close vicinity and serve them. This causes the companies developing these devices to get the personal profile of the users [8]. This raise a great privacy related issue in the minds of the clients. These data can be used in the wrong way for many unethical means. Thus, the data to be shared must be in an encrypted format to facilitate privacy solutions among the client of the concerned manufacturers. The last disadvantage is the safety or security risks. As the devices are to stay connected to the network all the time, the security risks it poses is much too high. The network that supports these devices, are subjected to many security risks. These include risks to hacking or breaches. These networks are very susceptible to various DDoS attacks which can affect the performance of the devices. In addition, the hacking or breaches in the personal details can lead to theft of these details causing hindrances to the users. Security issues and solutions: As the devices are to stay connected to the network all the time, the security risks it poses is much too high. The network that supports these devices, are subjected to many security risks. These include risks to hacking or breaches. Security issues: The various Internet of Things devices are subjected to many security issues which can affect the likelihood of their usages. It is thus necessary for implementing various security related protocols or frameworks to analyze them and mitigate them. This section of the report discusses about Internet of Things related issues to be applied in the devices. Data Encryption: As the devices are to stay connected to the network all the time, the risks it poses is high. The devices need to know the profile of the customers to serve them. This causes the companies developing these devices to get the personal profile of the users. Thus, the data to be shared must be in an encrypted format to facilitate privacy solutions among the client of the concerned manufacturers [8]. In addition, as the devices are always engaged in the analysis and collection of data, encryption is needed to protect access to them while their use. This is usually done by the adoption of SSL protocol which raises a need for encryption in the data. Moreover, the wireless network that is being used by the clients also needs to apply encryption to facilitate maximum security as well. Data authentication: Data authentication is another concern for the various Internet of Things devices which raises a security concern. The network that supports these devices, are subjected to many security risks. These include risks to hacking or breaches. These networks are very susceptible to various DDoS attacks which can affect the performance of the devices [9]. In addition, the hacking or breaches in the personal details can lead to theft of these details causing hindrances to the users. For example, hackers may hack into the home network to jeopardize the operations of the present devices which might lead to mal-functioning of them. The need for authentication is a must to mitigate the various authentication attacks on these devices. Side channel attacks: The authentication and encryption poses security risks but the presence of side-channel attacks is another risk factor in the foundation of the Internet of Things technologies. These types of attacks are used to breach into the system by placing an infected device in the network concerned [10]. This is basically done by getting knowledge like power consumption, timing synchronization or leak in electromagnetic spectrum. These are likely to be used to get access for performing a side-channel attack. Solutions: This section discusses about the various solutions that can help to mitigate the encryption related security issues. As the various Internet of Things devices are always engaged in the analysis and collection of data, encryption is needed to protect access to them while their use. This is usually done by the adoption of SSL protocol which raises a need for encryption in the data. Moreover, the wireless network that is being used by the clients also needs to apply encryption to facilitate maximum security as well [11]. The use of software implementation can aim to increase the SSL security. MatrixSSL Tiny is one such software with a limited memory, which helps in better security addresses. Applications of various encryption methods can help to address the encryption related risks. Internet of Things (PKI) is one such method which provides X509 digital certificate. It also gives a cryptographic key with life-cycle capabilities including their own public/private key management. The present day devices cannot implement this security protocol due to their hardware implications. But it can be made possible during their manufacturing by integrating these on the devices. The application of API security in the Internet of Things devices can help to provide authentication as well as encryption purposes [12]. The APIs are used to generate security measures among the devices connecting with each other. In addition, the various applications of these devices including mobile apps can also be secured by using API security protocols. This method is also effective in detecting the presence of vulnerabilities or threats. Conclusion: Thus, it can be concluded from the report that the analysis made on the concept of the Internet of Things application can bring significant changes on the market as well as on peoples lives. This technology is used to automate the devices so that the need for human interactions is reduced. This helps in increasing the efficiency of work and reduces the cost needed to maintain human monitoring services. 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