Friday, November 29, 2019
Selective Female Fetus Killing free essay sample
Female Fetus Killing Picture this, you are at the doctors and you have just found out that you are pregnant, so many ideas and feelings will run through your body. However, not all people react with excitement in most third world countries this can either be a happy moment or the dawn before the pain. At the beginning of history you can see that infanticide has been carried out. From prehistoric times to the times of many great empires, the deaths of infants were accepted as a way to regulate the population. Many families left the decision to the father as to whether or not they kept the child or left it by the side if the rode in hopes a civilian would rescue the infant. This paper will focus on the female infanticide being practiced in India. Female infanticide refers to the intentional killing of the female fetus or infant females with the hopes of someday having a son that will benefit the family. We will write a custom essay sample on Selective Female Fetus Killing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The difference that this paper will look at is why the families choose to selectively kill their female offspring versus their male. The major problem associated with selective killing of the female falls with the lack of women to marry the abundance of males in the country. Moreover, the selective killing of the female fetus show the lack of status a female holds in third world countries. The question would be how do women in third world countries commit this horrific crime. It is easier than we think the support from the doctors and the lack of punishment by governmental officials make this gendercide the norm in several third world countries. The doctors found that they can make a money profit by performing amniocentesis testing for women who wanted to know the gender of their unborn child. According to Karlekar, M. (1993), states that after the parents find out the gender of the unborn child they make a decision on whether or not they will keep the child. The women are often times ridiculed for producing female children and can be disowned by their husbands if they fail to produce a male child. Therefore, these women often go to the doctors alone to find out the sex of the baby and if the child is to be born a female the women will leave and with the help of older women in the village to perform abortions of the fetus. Female infanticide is considered to be one of the most brutal and destructive forms of sexual bias, which relates closely to sex selective abortions. The fact that the female fetuses are aborted more often than males is because most of the third world countries are patriarchal. According to Bhatnagar, R. , Dube, R. and Dube, R. 2005), twelve million girls are born every year in India, however only nine million will survive to age fifteen years old. The reality of the situation is that the female embryo, infant, girl or women is in danger her whole life in India. The authors also pointed out that one of the major reasons the women cite as to why they commit the crime is to prevent their poor families from paying relatively high dowry amounts to husband of their daughters. Yet the research done by the author shows that the average family that participates in the female infanticide owns land and has a substantial amount of money. The cause of the gendercide is based loosely on the low status of the women in India. The parents who choose to kill their female child often feel justified that they are securing a future for themselves in old age. Males are often the ones who work out in the towns as sales men and sharecroppers and are paid to marry others daughters. While these all seem like good to the outside world in reality the women are capable of preforming all of these minus getting a dowry for marriage. However, the parents feel that because once the female is married she moves away and is now part of her husband’s family leaving her family to fend for themselves. The opposite is true for the males they will forever be a part of their families. However, this does not justify the fact that the parents are making a selfish decision when killing female fetuses. How female infanticide affects males in India? The male to female ratio in India is drastically uneven. According to Jones, A. (2002), in 1991 there were 992 girls to every 1000 boys in rural India. This number continues to decrease leaving the males with fewer choices of females to marry. The males are often even fed first and medical care is definitely more prevalent for males. Because there is a shortage of females often times many males will go unmarried and many families with female children will have to pay a high amount for the dowry. Although the selective fetal abortion is illegal in India many males encourage their wives to participate in the practices and the government never prosecutes the women. In conclusion, female infanticide is a horrible manifestation of the anti-female bias. This infanticide will continue to destroy third world countries until the government takes this gendercide serious. Even with the advancement of technologically female infanticide has continued to advance with doctors using it as a profit market. If the doctors and government do not educate the families about the effects of the brutal practices the numbers will continue to decrease. We also have to take into consideration that in order to combat the phenomenon, we have to carefully consider the location and specific and cultural factors leading to the practice.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Bending Moment Lab Report Essays
Bending Moment Lab Report Essays Bending Moment Lab Report Paper Bending Moment Lab Report Paper Moments are calculated by using static theory, or multiplying perpendicularly directed load by the respective distance to the pivot point. 1. 2 Objective The main objective of that laboratory is to provide students with basic experience and thus, the comparison between calculated and measured values (software) should be demonstrated to show the ability to apply static theory from applied mechanics module. 1. 3 Theory Shear forces The shearing force at any section of a beam is the algebraic sum of the lateral components of the forces acting on either side of the section. F is the resultant action on the left of AAA. As the beam is in equilibrium then resultant reaction on the right of AAA must be downwards. Figurer. Shear forces diagram Equilibrium state fix=ON; iffy=ON; IMO=ON. M In our case we use AAA as a reference point to calculate the bending moment Bending Moment Bending Moment at AAA is defined as the algebraic sum of the moments about the section of all forces acting on either side of the section. Bending moment is considered to be positive when the total moment on the right of AAA is clockwise, whereas moment to the right of AAA is anticlockwise. That type of behavior of ending moment is called sagging since it makes the beam to become concave upward. The opposite of sagging is called hogging. Figure 2. Bending moment (sagging) diagram 2. Experimental apparatus The provided technical equipment is a very functional device that enables students to perform laboratory sessions for mechanical, civil and structural engineering students. It help students to learn more and create a clear visualization and straightforward proof of the bending moment theory in a beam. Experiments include the ability to place the load at any point on the load line o measure the bending moment. The whole apparatus consists of hardware (device itself) and software (program for determining bending moment) Software Software of the STAR is a program that enables computer to perform various tasks as with loads on the line as by virtual visualization. The computer simulation implies the usage of software without teaching hardware equipment. To put it simply, experiments could be actually conducted without the apparatus. Figure 3. Bending moment hardware apparatus Hardware The high quality bending moment device consist of two parallel beams which eave a cut position that acts like a pivot. To accomplish bending moment in a beam experiment students apply loads along the beam. The moment arm bridges the cut onto the load cell thus calculating the reacting and measuring the bending moment force. Students are then able to see the force resultant on the digital display. Additionally, weighs, weighs hangers as well as student and teacher laboratory manuals are included. 3. Experiment Figure 4. Loads and reaction forces diagram In the first part of experiment conducted only one load of 3 available different dads were applied at the distance of mm from the left corner of beam (0-PI).
Friday, November 22, 2019
Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
Criminal Justice - Essay Example Any police officer trying to abuse an individual is liable to the act of oppression and people can therefore protect themselves from this form of oppression through use of the firearm as long as the cause is justifiable. Having this right protects the people from having to tolerate abuse of any form from the police simply because of their power. People are allowed to have freedom of speech, of exercising freely and make peaceful demonstrations as a way to express their grievances. Police officers take such opportunities to abuse the people by beating them or preventing them from congregating even though the first amendment has allowed them to do so. People are even arrested for no reason and some even taken to cells without any charges or fake charges such as destruction of property or resisting arrest are crowded on the individuals. This bill of right expressed in the first amendment curtails the police abuse to peaceful demonstrators and people freely expressing them-selves in speech or in press (Skeens, 2007). Lastly is the six amendment which demands that people who have criminal charges or those arrested also have their own rights which are supposed to be explained to them by the police during arrest as a way to protect themselves from police brutality and abuse. These rights include the right to be informed of the criminal charges that have made one be arrested, there is also the right to have a counsel to assist the criminally charged person as well as the right to witnesses in court. Under the Terry Stop, police are created balance so that they can be able to carry out their work effectively to preventing and dealing with crimes. This allows them to conduct searches and seizures if there is reasonable reason or if the person is under suspicion without even requiring a warrant. The police are also mandated to stop
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Bibliography - Essay Example Investors who are risk-averse and are searching for a recognized periodic payment arrangement usually prefer to invest in bonds. On the other hand, investors who wish to risk more than is the case with bondholders, and are seeking to be included as joint partners in a corporation. Investors who are risk-averse and are searching for a recognized periodic payment arrangement usually prefer to invest in bonds. On the other hand, investors who wish to risk more than is the case with bondholders, and are seeking to be included as joint partners in a corporation. The source describes one disadvantage in investing in stocks being that they do not necessarily guarantee returns. Bonds, however, guarantee returns (Kristof, 17). The source also states that there are greater prospects of high returns with stocks, even though there is also the likelihood of losing money. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each? Milevsky, Moshe. Are You a Stock or a Bond?: Identify Your Own H uman Capital for a Secure Financial Future, Updated and Revised. New York: FT Press, 2012. The source describes stocks and bonds as being types of investment that give people the chance to invest their money in a specific business establishments in the hope of accruing handsome profits in future. Though both of these have a number of similarities, they also differ considerably in many ways. Both of these financial tools, in general, allow an individual to be able to invest in private or public companies, in the hope of being a future beneficiary through accrued profits. Stocks, which define the ownership shares in a corporation, are often the most favored by short time investor. One disadvantage in investing in stocks is that they do not necessarily guarantee returns. Bonds, however, guarantee returns. Therefore, there are greater prospects of high returns with stocks, even though there is also the likelihood of losing money. The source asserts that stocks are descriptive of a busin ess’s shares (Milevsky, 84). When a shareholder uses his own money to buy stocks from the company, he is actually acquiring ownership of the business. When the business realizes any profit, a percentage of it is given to the shareholders. In the matter of bonds, when a person invests in them, he is actually lending money to the business in question with the expectation that the firm will reimburse the bonds' amount along with a pre-determined interest rate on a definite time period. According to the source, business establishments may need to raise capital in such ways in order to expand into different localities or new ventures. They also raise capital in order to fund their businesses. Usually, it is the developing businesses that favor issuing stocks to get the necessary finances as this facilitates their growth while helping them to avoid accumulating more debt. The larger corporations are more likely to prefer acquiring capital by availing bonds without giving the chance of ownership to additional shareholders. The Risks involved in making investments in stocks and bonds Bernstein, William. The Ages of the Investor: A Critical Look at Life-cycle Investing. New York: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. The source states that for the most part, making such investments in a company always has different risks for the shareholder; but can also deliver handsome profits (Bernstein,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Does Quarantine violate constitutional rights Essay
Does Quarantine violate constitutional rights - Essay Example Kaci Hickox, a nurse, returned to the United States to be quarantined. She believes that under the 14th Amendment quarantine is unconstitutional. Hickox was released before filing her lawsuit. Hickox was upset by how she was treated by officials at the airport before being quarantined at her home. Hickox’s lawsuit stating quarantine violates her 14th Amendment due process rights would have been dismissed for two reasons. The first is the precedent ruling of United States v. Shinnick. Expert healthcare workers would have testified that Ebola has a three week incubation period. During those three weeks, if the nurse had Ebola she could pass it before recognizing the symptoms. Thus the case would have been decided by Ebola experts’ testimony. Hickox, as a health worker, would have testified, but she is only one person with a tainted reason to lie. The second reason Hickox’s petition would have been dismissed is the 14th Amendment deals with due process. Due process pertains to criminals. Since Hickox was not charged with a crime, due process was not being violated. Due process limits the time a citizen can be detained by police until charges are brought. No charges would have been brought toward Hickox. This means the case had nothing to do with due process. These two reasons show that quarantine is constitutional under the 14th
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Olafur Eliasson | Artist Biography
Olafur Eliasson | Artist Biography A general visit to an art gallery consists of being able to view a series of objects hanging from the wall or placed upon a stand. However, Olafur Eliasson takes the role of seeing an object within a gallery space to a whole new level. Eliasson creates what is known to be as installation art. This modern art form is described as an artwork that must be walked through by the viewers to be able to experience it completely. Installation art is set up in a certain area for a short period of time and is preserved only through memory and photographs. Olafur believes that his work is not completed until the visitor may experience his or her subjective perception and mediation. Many of his works use the possessive pronoun your eg: Your Sun Machine (1997, Marc Foxx Gallery), Your Natural Denudation Inverted (1999, Carnegie Museum of Art,), Your Black Horizon and Your space Embracer, (2004, West of Rome). With this, he is implying that the spectator must engage to the piece and make the connec tion as part of the aesthetics of the installation. I see potential in the spectator in the receiver, the reader, the participator, the viewer, the user. Olafur Eliasson. To Eliasson, this is the perfect strategy to have the viewer take part in individual awareness, reflect on the piece and meditate. Olafur Eliasson was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1967. He is Danish-Icelandic and is known to be one of the most famous contemporary artists of our time. His Icelandic nationality is the mold of his influence. Icelands landscapes and Eliassions works are very similar aesthetically speaking in the sense that they both share the same elements. He uses materials such as wind, light, and water (solid, fog, and ice) that are typical to that of Icelands landscape. Olafurs works have been known to mimic natures unique power. He studied at the Royal Danish Academy and majored in Fine Arts. Eliasson created the Studio Olafur Eliasson in Berlin in 1995; he used this space for research and development. His early pieces were usually photographs of the Icelandic landscape which he later explains helped him have a financial role to support his future installations. Olafurs artwork mainly consists of geometric forms and analytical lines which enhance the space and light that is being used. Eliass on combines light, movement and color in his exhibitions along with the viewer. His work invites his audience to participate into the public realm where they may find their own moments of self discovery. When I make something, which maybe is a work of art, I want this to be in the world. I want it to be sincerely and honestly and responsibly in the world. I want it to have an impact somehow. Eliasson explains his intentions for his artwork. As every artist should, they should feel like they would make a significant impact with the worlds. However, while doing research, Ive noticed that Eliassons intention as an artist is to make space tangible. He creates playful works that demonstrate time and dimension. An example of this are his infamous New York City waterfalls. In these pieces he proves the time it takes for water to fall by placing such large artificial waterfalls in a large city such as New York. While the waterfalls represent time, ultimately, it is the viewer who can determine this depending on the distance and angle. Olafur creates a bridge to make his audience think about their surroundings, and how some objects and environments we perceive on a daily basis are usually seen to be self-evident. Eliassons work has also been known to mimic and recreate forces of nature and explore human perception. He does this while working with lights, shadows, stone, water, mi st, or fog to create a specific environment. Eliasson feels that all these elements serve a purpose for his installations. For example, the simple use of light can cast a shadow upon a wall for the viewer and can project two-dimensional shapes on a white wall which would create the illusion of a three-dimensional space. His work sometimes consist of horizon lines which not only are an example of mimicking nature, but also make the whole piece three-dimensional and give off a sense of confusion. Eliassion calls this illusory architecture which is when space creates an illusion, even though one is aware of the walls and space surrounding you. Some work that includes a lot of illusory architecture is the piece Take Your Time (2008) which fit the idea very well. The viewer feels as if they would like to inhabit the space for a while. The installation uses monofrequency lights to completely cover the room in shades of yellow and black and intimately involves its inhabitants. Another room, Beauty (1993) consists of a dark room covered in black tiles where a mist falls from the ceiling and creates a rainbow curtain to walk through. Whats so spectacular about this piece is that its different every time and for every person. Upon visiting the installation, what one person sees as yellow, could be seen as vio let for the other person; no matter how close these two people may be, the outcome will always be different. With this piece, one can really say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Another room invites you to completely immerse yourself within the color spectrum, 360ÂÂ ° Room For All Colours (2002). The circular room blankets the audience with a display of light that race around the cylindrical wall. The colors overlap and create an endless amount of shades of color. The installation manages to rearrange your visual senses from being dependant on ones vision until you realize that your other senses take part in enjoying the artwork. This piece covers the viewer with natures color palette, which is referencing to Eliassons photography from the Icelandic landscape. The Weather Project (2003) at Tate Modern Museum in London consists of a giant sun made of over 200 yellow lamps in a semi-circle reflected over mirrors on the ceiling. The mist that covers the museum is made up of water and sugar. The installation itself attracted over two million people whom would behave oddly in front of the ceiling mirrors. Eliasson described this works as seeing yourself seeing. This is one thing Ive noticed about Olafur Eliassons work, is that it evokes feelings and sensation. All art has a way with creating emotions. Within the functions of art, there is always a concept. As a society, most people may appreciate photography or film more because we make connections and find it easier to relate to and were forced to see what the artist sees. This is why I think installation art is probably not recognized as much as photography within society. However, the function for art is solely to be art, otherwise, its just a design. Installations and exhibition art are mea nt to tell a story or evoke emotion, which is what Eliassons work does in such a simple manner. The work of Olafur Eliasson has given people the idea to see double. He creates his installations with the intention of expressing vision through the audiences experience with spatial design. With this, the viewer is usually confused about his or her surroundings which may lead towards reflection on ones life. Olafur Eliassons work is known to be eccentric and has a geometric use of projections of light and mirrors, analytical lines and natural elements to confuse the viewers perception of place and oneself. Eliasson also creates a foreground sense in each of his works. When Eliasson transforms a gallery into a space of nature, he creates a deep connection with space for the viewer that lets his or her think about their own senses and life. His work challenges ones mind and makes you think about what you feel when you see the work at first and what you may already know. This creates a battle with perception and self. His works are known to be thought out works of experiences that make one wonder about what they are seeing, and if what they are seeing is really there. This is why I think Olafur Eliassion stands out the most in the wolrd of environmental installation. He creates installations that make people question about their own spatial awareness, and I think its something a person woul d have to experience first hand to fully understand. Citations Take Your Time.. 2010. Art Daily .2010. Olafur Eliasson Space Is Process. 2010 Studio Olafur Eliasson: An Encyclopedia Human Rights: Universal or a Western Construct? Human Rights: Universal or a Western Construct? Since the beginning of Human Rights until recent Human Rights issues, the interpretation and concept of Human Rights have been diversified significantly. Western construct have played a big role in the creation of Human Rights and in questioning the meaning of universal rights. The rights one has because one is human is a clear and concise meaning of human rights, which is an appurtenance to an individual, where certain parts are not included, such as benefits. The western ideology of Human Rights have greatly inputted in Human Rights through various concepts that have been introduced to non western societies. These various concepts of western construct have influenced Universal Human Rights, where western politics have greatly altered the concept of Human Rights, also through colonisation which is particularly affected Indigenous communities, and by western cultures and societies. The western construct of Human Rights is eminently viewed in Human Rights, which are present in both we stern and non western societies. Human Rights have gradually been altered and changed to insert western values and political thoughts into non-western states and societies. The western political emphasis for the right to development and to freedom from hunger is predominate in Africa as a rightYet, some of these rights do not correlate within societies in Africa. In result of this, many African leaders repudiated western political emphasis of Human Rights into their societies and designed their own Human Rights Charter, or also known as the African (Banjul) Charter on Human Rights, to suit their society.3 Even though the African Charter was created to suit the African society, western political influence is still clearly evident in the charter. Individual freedoms and rights as values has lost its significance in non western political thought, which is much of a variance, though non western societies have trouble determinating this significance that would be easier in western societies. Political influence is widely viewed in Human Rights and it influences the rights that are also used in non western societies. The western concept was also brought through colonisation and it too affected the Human Rights significantly. It is how the western ideology was introduced in non western societies. Colonialism creates the basis and idea of Human Rights throughout history. The colonisation of certain states that have Indigenous People has influenced the Human Rights that are present in their societies. The fleet that arrived in countries with Indigenous People, particularly Australia, were asserted in the Indigenous Community without their permission, thus resulting in ascendancy in the communities. Bringing civilisation and the religion of Christianity was a priority for the fleet, to introduce them with their style of Human Rights. Though, this occurrence ended in a bloody way by killing and damaging many of the Indigenous People in order to universalise universal moral values. Indigenous People were greatly affected through colonisation all due to insertion of western construct of Human Rights, wh ich resulted in many casualties questioning whether basic Human Rights have been breached just for introducing the western construct of Human Rights. The post colonisation period, many Indigenous people have been ridiculed and degraded in society. Many rights, which are of western construct, are evident in the Indigenous society, where it lacked some rights or in some cases the rights did not fit in. Group rights, which are rights intended for a group of people, created problems in the Indigenous community. Group rights were mainly to do with economy and social class, rather than individual problems such as racism and ethnicity. Some speculate that if the existence of Group Rights was not evident, ethnic integration would not have been as difficult, and an end to ethnic hostility would have been seen.6 Indigenous People are seen to be excluded from the social life and economic opportunity, through practical questions such as why are their health conditions worse? et cetera. Only a handful of governments apologised to the Indigenous People, which brought them closer to the western society and the reconciliation process was starting to take effect.6 Colonisation was seen to affect Indigenous Communities and result in western rights implemented into their societies. Through colonisation, western culture has been introduced and changed, through Human Rights, in non western societies and cultures. It differs greatly from the cultures evident in non western societies. Indigenous Rights, in Latin America, was seen to be the main priority. It focused on the state abusing the Indigenous people and pushing for Indigenous people to have rights to their land and culture The Spanish community and people in Latin America have been introducing western culture into the Indigenous community of Latin America, thus implementing the Human Rights as a western construct. It is evident that in Universal Human Rights, the cultural imperialism is dominant by the west. The argument brought by Fernando Teson is that domination of certain attitudes seen in cultures, are accordingly appropriate and moral. Another point Teson argues is that ethnocentrism that relativists view are not supplying the same basic rights to non western cultures as opposed to the western culture s receiving those rights. Western culture has been a big influence in the non-western cultures and societies, it change the rights significantly in the non western society and adapted the western idea and thought but in the same time the western construct of rights was viewed differently in the non western cultures. The western society has also greatly impacted on the non western society, with the influence of western life and living which altered the Human Rights, and thus impacting it on the non western society. Human Rights, to a certain extent, accepts the idea that they are rights of the human in society. In 1789 the French recognised and stated the fundamentals of Human Rights which are evident in society, suggests that society too is in power to deliberate those rights, stating that western society can change and dismantle any specific right in any society.Edmund Bourke creates one of the most protruding historical criticism of the notion that Universal Human Rights derives from western construct and western societies that are implemented into non western societies. He argues that the French revolution changed the rights of many individuals and groups in society into a western for of rights. Bourkes Reflections on the Revolution in France, states a large argument of traditional communitie s and problems in traditional values, such as religion and loyalty, creates problems, disorder and integrity of western societies, thus the western societies alter many of the rights in order to suit their desires and to comply with the way they live Western society has changed many of the traditional concepts in non western society, thus the western society impacting greatly on non western societies with Human Rights. It is evident that the western construct has greatly impacted and significantly changed and altered the idea of Human Rights. These Human Rights are being implemented into non western societies, and the eastern oriental community are having to follow these concepts and ideas. The ironic title of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is much seen as a western creation of Human Rights. The examples shown in this essay argues the idea of western construct in the universal human rights through various factors such as politics, culture, colonisation and society.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
brave new world Essay -- essays research papers
Imagine living in a world without mothers and fathers, a place full of faceless human clones. This is the society portrayed in Aldous Huxley's 1932 novel entitled Brave New World. Huxley describes a futuristic society that has an alarming effect of dehumanization. This occurs through the absence of spirituality and family, the obsession with physical pleasure, and the misuse of technology. In this world, each person is raised in a test tube rather than a mother's womb, and the government controls every stage of their development, from embryo to maturity. Each new human is placed into a certain class, such as Alpha, Beta, and so on. The embryos are manipulated chemically to stimulate or to retard their physical and mental growth. By repeating phrases over and over while the children sleep, the government can condition each person to accept his role in the world around him and to behave in what the government deems to be a "safe" manner. This creates a society full of human clones, completely devoid of personality. Every person is conditioned to love three things: Henry Ford, their idol; soma, a wonder drug; and sex. In Huxley's book, he portrays several unique characters who struggle with the society. Bernard Marx is a deformed upper class Alpha who constantly struggles with his own shortcomings. A young woman named Lenina Crowne becomes romantically involved with Bernard, and they both travel to a Savage Reservation, one of the last places on earth where people are allowed to live without the modern amenities such as soma, birth control, and helicopters. Bernard and Lenina meet a young boy and his mother Linda, originally from the civilized world. Linda had become pregnant many years ago, which was an illegal and incredibly disgraceful offense, became lost on a trip to the Reservation, and had to remain there. Both savages are brought back to the New World, and the young boy named John, known as the Savage, becomes quite a celebrity. But the differences between the two worlds tear at the young man's soul as his values and morals clash with those of the new society. Following the death of his mo ther, he eventually isolates himself from everyone. Sight seekers still pester him in his hideout and drive him to commit suicide in the end. One of the things that makes the society in Brave New World so different from ours is the lack of spirituali... ...pare time. Since "everybody belongs to everyone else," commitment is a non-issue. The novel deals also with the effects of advances in science and technology on human society. Technology is a crucial requirement in order for the society of Brave New World to form. One might consider whether Huxley argues that science and technology are inherently evil. In fact, he does not. The World Controller states that science is dangerous to the society, since it can destroy stability (231). Since Huxley portrays that society negatively, science and technology are therefore put in a positive light. However, Huxley gives examples of how the problems raised by new technology can be solved poorly. When mass production becomes simple, the Brave New World society allows production to increase and requires that consumption increase, a solution that seems flawed by current American standards. Huxley provides a strong warning against the misuse of science. Through factories that produce children, drugs that evoke pleasure, and conditioning that replaces families, technology becomes a dehumanizing force. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monday, November 11, 2019
Organizational Culture Essay
This essay/assignment is a solution paper on Organizational Culture. It reviews the Hofstede Model and Schein Model as well as tries to understand the the dynamics which influences the occupational cultures. This is a sample paper. The definition of culture remains quite ambiguous with researchers assessing it utilising different methodologies. The common understanding of culture is a way of doing things, or the norm by which a society organizes its tasks. However, the terminology tends to be classified more distinctly when looked upon in the aspect of organizations and their systems of performing actions. Two of the most prominent researchers on this aspect of organizational behaviour are Geert Hofstede and Edgar Schein. Each has presented the concept of organizational culture using a paradigm based on the values and thinking exhibited by the workers of an organization, but has assessed different levels of adaptation and integration that bind this aspect of culture. According to Hofstede, ‘culture is the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes the members of one group from another. Culture in this sense is a system of collectively held values’. On the other hand, Schein has taken a slightly different approach and states ‘culture is the deeper level of basic assumptions and beliefs that are shared by members of an organization that operate unconsciously and define in a basic â€Å"taken for granted†fashion an organization’s view of its self and its environment’. The common notion among researchers is that every organization exhibits certain values and norms in the business environment and a company will likely end up portraying two things; organizational culture and corporate culture. The former is based on what the company ‘is’, while the latter principle is an embodiment of the vision and character of the company, making up what a company ‘has’. Both Schein and Hofstede showed similarities in their presentation of the concept of organizational culture by applying a focus on the mental assumptions that shape the ideology of culture and give rise to the norms and values that end up being regarded as the primary character of an organization. However, the anthropological approach adopted by them towards organizational culture varied greatly. Hofstede favoured the ‘etic’ or dimensional approach, where the description of behaviour is very neutral and can be applied to various cultures. A key reasoning for this is the linkage he presented between the national culture prevalent in the business environment that an organization operates in, and its resulting effects on the shaping of the norms that are applied by the organization itself. On the other hand, Schein looked upon organizational behaviour with an ‘emic’ approach, describing the dimensions that affected companies by viewing it from the aspect of a person within the culture. Hofstede undertook an extensive research process within IBM, to understand the behaviour it and its employees exhibited across the many offices it had in the world. His ideology was that organizational behaviour was greatly influenced by national and regional cultural groupings. The conclusion from the research conducted allowed Hofstede to present five characteristics of culture that he believed were exhibited by organizations in one way or form across the world. These included power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity vs. femininity, long vs. short term orientation, and individualism vs. collectivism. Schein’s organizational model looked at culture from the standpoint of an observer and presented three levels to describe the complex workings involved in a company. At the first level were the observable artefacts, pointing to those attributes which could be seen, heard or felt by the observer. The second level was the exposed values, which referred to the professed culture of the organization by its members. At the third level lie tacit assumptions, which are made up of the unseen elements of culture of an organization that become the unspoken rules of the company. While Hofstede’s model of organization culture relies on the tried and tested ideology of cultural theorists by underlying the determination of culture in an organization from core values and assumptions of a given national culture, Schein’s model brings about more functionality to the subject area by delving into a deeper understanding of the factors that influenced the exhibited culture in the organization. Hofstede’s IBM study developed linkages between personality and culture, by relating to individuals as components of societies, and organizations a resultant of both. Schein presented the notion of learning as a part of the organizational culture, and one of the building blocks that courted different operators in its assimilation and establishment. In both models, the common factor remains the individuals who form the organization, and in many ways are responsible for providing the behavioural traits to the company in order to portray a sense of belonging. The divergence in its initiation relates to the variance held by Hofstede and Schein, with the former attributing the national culture being the driving force, while the latter focuses on the various actors who play a role in the creation of the organizational entity as the contributors to the culture of that establishment. While personality will play a part in the integration between the original and acquired culture, the need for understanding the dynamics which influence the occupational cultures is important in order to become aware of the human factor and its role in the process. References Hofstede, G. & McCrae, R. (2004) ‘Personality and Culture Revisited: Linking Traits and Dimensions of Culture’, Cross-Cultural Research, Volume 38, No. 1, pp. 52 – 88 Schein, E. (1996) ‘Culture: The Missing Concept in Organization Studies’, Administrative Science Quarterly, Volume 41, Issue 2, pp. 229 – 240
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The invasion of a new world: Aztecs and Avatars
Could the very large and powerful blue creatures of Pandora have similarities with the ancient civilization of the Aztecs? Yes, they have many similarities, not in terms of culture or lifestyle like one might think. Rather, both these civilizations share one identical aspect of their history, they were both invaded by an unknown, foreign mass of people. These two invasions have many similarities between each other but the three most prominent are, a completely unknown group of people coming to their land, invasion resulting in violence and desire for a specific object.In February 1519 the Spaniards embarked on a conquest led by Hernan Cortez. Cortez brought many warriors to this new world they were about explore. When the Spaniards reached the new world they were absolutely astonished, they had never seen anything remotely like it, they didn’t know such things existed! As the Spanish conquistadors journeyed inland, they reached the enormous capital city of Tenochtitlan. The no rmal custom of the Aztecs is to capture all foreign invaders and sacrifice them but the Aztecs showed mercy to the Spaniards and treated them as guests. With the arrival of Cortez, the Spaniards were overwhelmed at the new world they had found and the potential it could have for gold.On the other hand the Aztecs were overjoyed because they thought the new conquistadors were gods they had been awaiting. Similar to the Spaniards arriving in present day Mexico, the humans that invaded Pandora acted in a similar way. Aside from the scientists who studied the avatars, the humans on Pandora knew very little about how they acted or what their culture was. In general, the Aztecs and the Avatars reacted the same way to to the foreign invaders, astonished and curious.Although the Aztecs and Spaniards were getting along peacefully, that peace was about to come to a stop. Over time the Aztecs realized the the conquistadors were not gods. The Spanish now feared they could not get out of the city , alive at least. The Aztecs eventually let the Spanish leave with no harm but the conquistadors wanted the gold they came for. After freeing the Spanish, Cortez led an attack on the Aztecs. Many battles were fought between the Spaniards and Aztecs totalling hundreds and thousands of deaths.Like the battles the spaniards and Aztecs endured, the Avatars also fought with great numbers against the humans. After the humans destroyed the mother tree, which all the Navi lived in and worshiped, the Avatars decided to fight for their land. The Navi gathered as many tribes that were willing to fight and took on the humans full force. Just as the Aztecs had â€Å"home field advantage†, the Avatars also had the advantage of knowing the terrain better than the enemy. Another similarity was the fact that the humans and spaniards had a massive edge with their use of guns. If not for the weapon technology the Aztecs most likely would have beaten the Spaniards.The last similarity is that bot h invaders desired a mineral. In the Spaniards case it was gold, for the humans it was unobtanium. When the Spaniards first set sail to the new and unexplored world they had one thing on the mind, gold. They would do anything that was necessary to bring home wealth to Spain. The same mindset applied to the humans, the primary reason for being on Pandora was to mine up as much unobtanium they could find. With all the greed that filled the minds of the invaders, they had no respect for the native people’s land. The primary cause of the violence on both occasions was the lack of consideration for the native’s homes.This essay described the similarities between the invasions of the Avatar and Aztec’s homeland. When one mass of people invades land belonging to someone else, there tends to always be tension and violence, this was evidenced in both these occasions. Espero que hayas disfrutado el ensayo!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Dino Compagnis notion that internal discord was the result of Florentine discord.
Dino Compagnis notion that internal discord was the result of Florentine discord. In Dino Compagni's diatribe of the Florentine demise, it is clear that he believes the internal strife among her citizens was the backbone of a beautiful city's undoing. Contemporaries who have read Machiavelli's works, without a proper grasp of Italian life at his time, tend to think Machiavelli a cruel and ruthless man. Comparing Machiavelli's thoughts and beliefs on the subject of human nature with that of Compagni, however, lead to a very converging view of mankind. As Compagni disserts, he believes the citizens of Florence to be intrinsically wicked and duplistic. Thus, the 'wicked citizens' and 'wicked deeds' were the main cause of discord, coupled with the universal truth that men of different classes have different political and economic agendas. Compagni's fault however lies in his limited view and perspective. As a citizen at the time his writing concerns, he has tunnel vision which modern historians today do not.English: via dino compagni Italiano: via dino comp...Compagni has not felt the rule of an absolute monarch like other Europeans of his time, nor was he brought up in a part of medieval Europe where power was thought to radiate downward, from God, to the clergy, and finally to the king or emperor. In the communes that Compagni inhabited, power radiated upward from the popolo to its leaders. Compagni's belief that bad politics caused Florentine discord was true, but the guilt is misplaced on corrupt and irresponsible leaders, rather than a flawed political system.Though Italian communes were extremely patriotic and incredibly loyal, they were wrent apart by internal discord. If a commune was threatened by an outside force they would quickly ban together. However, in times of peace they were quick to quarrel with each other. Internal division is essentially the internal history of Italian communes. Compagni detests both the Guelf and Ghibelline parties...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Soda Drinks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Soda Drinks - Essay Example Soda drinks can be considered as refreshment drinks that one takes for the purpose of refreshment, acquisition of balance diet and for the purpose of easing fatigue. However, soda drinks undergoes reaction processes that can be well explained using chemical compositions and compounds. Important stage in the manufacture of carbonated drink process is the essence of high-pressure CO2 gas facilitation, which fills the cavities in the structure of liquids. This high pressure produces a hissing sound when cans as well as bottles carrying soda drinks are opened justifying the availability of carbonation processes. Carbon dioxide presence from the drink usually escapes forms a molecule called the nucleus with an aim of resisting fluids hence forming bubbles. The delicious sensation on the tongue is brought out by the existence of nucleus (Nivaldo 1 2-16). Shaking carbonated beverages accelerates the process of bubbles formation of the soft drink. However, we have got several factors that in fluences the process of carbon dioxide loss in water. This includes the surrounding temperature. When the temperature is low, the carbonation process is more effective and vice versa hence the gas is less dissolved under high temperature level (Maniatis 12-15).However, it is found that soft drinks are not compounds in nature but they are mixtures of various substances hence they do not have definite compound structure as well as definite composition structure. Substances such as carbon dioxide exhibits kinetic energy proportional to the temperature especially when in Free State just in air. Common ingredients in a soft drink include but are not partial to Water (H2O), Sucrose (C12H22O11), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbonic acid (H2CO3), phosphoric acid (H3PO4), aspartame (C14H18N2O5), and artificial flavoring, which itself would be a list of several dozen and different chemicals as well. Meanwhile, during the processing of soft drinks reactions, we encounter exothermic reaction, which p roduces energy for stimulating and speeding up of carbon dioxide reactions. The exothermic chemical composition is represented as follows; C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6H2O + 6CO2. This leads to a respiration chemical formula of C6 H12 O6 + 6 H20 + 6 CO2 + Energy to produce soda drinks reaction norm (Nivaldo 23-39). By lowering the kinetic energy level and through acquisition of low temperature, the carbon dioxide gets to dissolves in water at a stable state. If the temperature is raised, the carbon dioxide usually tend to fall off and that is the main reason as to why it is recommended to take carbonated beverages during cold condition or at cold state. Soda drink exhibits sour taste, which is generated by the existence of carbon dioxide giving it a pH value of around 3.2 to 3.7. Being carbonated makes the soda drinks becomes free from bacterial contamination. Carbon dioxide plays a vital role in provision of specific flavor, which functions as an antibacterial preservative adhesive with natu ral beverage dissolvent (Maniatis 21-26) The content of carbon dioxide found in soft drinks majorly depends on the type of the drink availed on the market. Those beverages characterized by the fruit flavors, they contains high level of sugar with low carbon dioxide. The gylceryl abietate also known as brominated vegetable oil majorly is found in orange soft drinks. These help keep fatty flavors suspended in the liquid (density balancers and
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Business Plan Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Plan Analysis - Assignment Example 2. What are sections-in-common in these plans? Describe the style used in the business plans, and discuss what you believe to be an appropriate style for a business plan (i.e., first-person narration, contractions, level of formality, citing references, etc.) In the two business plans, the following sections were common: Executive Summary General Company Description Products and Services Marketing Strategy Operating Plan Management & Organization Financial statements and financial plan Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Break Even Point, Capitalization Required The writing styles that were used were formal, direct to the point and business like. It also adhered to the academic style of writing that avoided using contractions, euphemisms and figures of speech. Numbers were also utilized through a financial statement to illustrate a point. There is, however, noticeable difference between the referencing of a business plan and an academic essay. Compared to an academic essay wh ich requires data to be referenced by any of the writing styles (Harvard, APA, MLA, etc.), business plan is not that strict about it. Instead, it uses appendix such as the business plan of Fresin Fried Fast Food Restaurant (â€Å"Fast Food Restaurant Business Plan: Fresin Fries†) where the details of sales forecast, personnel expense and cash flow were enumerated to provide clarity in the financial statements of the business plan. It can also be skipped if it is not deemed necessary in a business plan such as in the case of American Management Technology (AMT) sample business plan (â€Å"Sample Business Plan for American Management Technology (AMT)†). I believe that this is the appropriate writing of a business plan. It is direct, simple, clear and formal. Business plans should be written in this manner because they are intended to serve as a blue print on how a business can make money and not to show literary genius. Writing directly and concisely is also an efficient way of utilizing the time of the one who prepared it and the people who would read and implement it. The saved time and energy in deciphering a complicated business plan can be used in other money making activities of a business. Furthermore, a clearly written business plan avoids confusing interpretation that would render the plan ineffective. In addition to general description, numbers shown in financial statements are equally important if not more important than the written texts. It is because these numbers determine whether a business can make money or not, when and what is the needed capital, and the break-even point where the business can start making money. These numbers can also serve as targets and benchmarks when a business is already operational to ensure that the business plan will profit according to plan and schedule. 3. What are the critical ideas/plans that must be communicated in a business plan? The critical ideas/plans that must be communicated in a business pla n are the following; First are the vision and mission of a company. They serve as a signpost or a compass of where a business is going and what it intends to do. It is the idea or any intangibles that animate or motivate a business to be profitable. Second are the objectives. Having a plan without a goal is pointless. The very essence of a business plan is to achieve certain goals which should be enunciated in the objectives section. A brief
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