College entrance essay
What Are Essay Topics They Would Give U On A College Exam
Monday, August 24, 2020
Evolution of Baking and Pastry Making
Development of Baking and Pastry Making Rundown The reason for this task was to comprehend the development of preparing and baked good creation. How it has advanced all through time, what changes and procedures came that helped in the improvement of this field and how this calling today is one of the most significant callings in the food business. Presentation Preparing is one of the cooking strategies in which the food is prepared in broilers utilizing dry warmth. Breads are the most usually heated items, yet numerous other food things can likewise be prepared. At the point when the warmth ventures out from the surface to the focal point of the items like cakes, treats or breads, it shapes a hardened covering and a springy focus and changes over the player or dough’s into heated products. A mix of heating and grill can be made by either cooking twice or one preceding the other. Stone work stove is one of the idea of preparing which is like smoke pit idea of grilling, in this way heating and grilling can be connected. Initially preparing was finished by ladies at home for their own utilization, afterwards on men began working in bread kitchens and eateries and began heating for nearby utilization, as the time passed and advancements changed and enormous machines came into the market the creation was industrialized and subsequently heating was later done by huge machines and in immense processing plants. Breads being the basic food are monetarily just as socially significant hence the nutritive qualities must be remembered. An expert, heating merchandise is known as a dough puncher. Advancement OF BAKERY AND PASTRY ARTS WHAT IS BAKING? Cooking by dry warmth strategy in enormous broilers is known as heating. Aside from cakes, breads and baked goods; meats, vegetables, poultry and fish can likewise be heated. (Adams, 2013) Preparing should be possible by three strategies: Dry Baking The water content in the food rises and structures a steam, the dry warmth of the stove and the steam framed join to prepare the food. Model: Pastries, Cakes, and Baked Jacket Potato. Bain Marie While preparing, the food is set in a water compartment due to which the warmth in the broiler alters coming about the moderate preparing of food which guarantees that the food isn't over cooked or over warmed. Expanded Humidity Baking Dampness of the broiler is expanded either by setting a bowl of water in the stove or by infusing steam, bringing about the expansion of water content in the food and subsequently the nature of the food is improved. (Anon., 2012) HOW Could IT START? The proof of heating initially occurred when the wild grass grains were absorbed water and afterward everything was combined and squashed into a stock like glue. Cooking of this glue was finished by pouring it on a level hot stone and was cooked till it brought about a bread like substance. Simmering this glue on hot ashes made bread making simpler, since it could be made whenever fire was made. Yeast was formerly being utilized to mix brews, however Ancient Egyptians began utilizing it to heat breads. The specialty of heating bread started around 600 BC in Ancient Greece which prompted an innovation of encased stoves. The workmanship preparing sprouted in the Roman Empire. The control of baked good cook was known as the Pastillarium. It was the most regarded profession as cakes were viewed as generally better than average, and Romans wanted to eat them in celebrations and wanted to celebrate with them. Consequently the heating of baked goods began on extraordinary events and particularly for huge dinners. At whatever point another treat was concocted by any baked good cook they were profoundly remunerated. Number of cake gourmet experts expanded in Rome during 1 AD. There were 300 baked good culinary experts around then. Romans had their own factories to pound grain flour and prepared bread in stoves with smokestacks. (Gisslen, 2005) Heating IN MIDDLE AGES Heating as a calling completely vanished after the breakdown of the Roman Empire. It gradually returned the last piece of middle age as a significant business in the administration of high society. Bread making was not any more done by homemakers it was proceeded by proficient dough punchers since the consistent tending of the broilers was required. Broilers were typically disengaged from the structure because of the chance of fire, they were commonly outside of the city dividers. Societies were arrangement in France in the twelfth century and were called tameliers or sifters, there work was to filter the flour that was sent to them. During that time there were 62 organizations, and they were conceded the responsibility for breads yet not past the outskirts of Paris. At the point when the wheat is filtered with coarse strainers just some piece of the grain is evacuated, white flour is made by filtering the grain with better sifters which expels either parts of the grain or entire grain. The yield of the white flour is lower since the vast majority of the grain is evacuated while filtering henceforth the white flour was progressively costly. In 1650 CE bread cooks began purchasing filtered flour from the plants. The weight, quality and cost of the breads were explicitly chosen by the regal declaration. The portions which were not of the suitable weight were appropriated and afterward offered away to poor people. Protection against sickness was additionally given by the societies: every day a portion or two were given over to a medical clinic and need hospitalization for nothing was in kind ensured. Free breads were provided to the killer and were put topsy turvy by the dough puncher who provided it to them. They were kept advantage to guarantee different clients that the hands of the killer won't get in contact with some other portions. Individuals began accepting that it was unpropitious to keep the bread lounges topsy turvy consequently offering ascend to a notion. The word tameliers was before long supplanted by Boulanger which originates from the Picardy word Boulenc. The exacting significance of the word Boulanger is ‘one who makes round bread’. (Gisslen, 2005) (Gisslen, 2009) Present day BAKING AND TECHNOLOGY The hour of incredible specialized advancement gazed in the nineteenth century. With the improvement of programmed machines the undertaking of the physical work diminished and as a result of the advancement the pastry specialists could perform a lot more assignments with the machines. Roller Milling was the most significant innovative turn of events. Before this improvement processing of grains was finished by granulating them between two stones, at that point the resultant flour must be dashed of filtered various occasions so as to isolate the wheat. The difficult work process was moderate and took parcel of time however after the innovation of Roller Milling the procedure turned out to be progressively proficient and quicker. New accessibility of flours was another significant advancement of that period, they were developed in the wheat developing zones of North-America. They were higher in proteins than contrasted with those developed in Northern Europe. This wheat was sent out to Europe which prompted enormous scope creation of white breads. A lot more innovations created in the twentieth century. New sorts of broilers and fridges came. Air transportation likewise assumed a tremendous job in the advancement of heating and baked good creation. Transpiration of new fixings around the globe turned out to be progressively helpful. Numerous fixings that were once uncommon and costly are currently effectively accessible and sensibly estimated as a result of the Preservation Techniques. Arrangement and handling of food should now be possible before transportation for the benefit of bakeshops and food tasks as present day food conservations innovation have made it conceivable. Henceforth comfort nourishments have appeared. Cooking styles and dietary patterns have changed due to these turns of events. Advancement of cooking and heating has been continuing for a long time and still proceeds to. In the later pieces of the twentieth century, going the world over turned out to be simple subsequently settlers went in Europe and North America, which prompted the expansion in the taste and mindfulness for local dishes. Information about various foods developed among the cooks separated from the customary foods of different pieces of Europe they found out about the foods of Asia, Latin America, and of a lot progressively various locales. Various strategies and elements of more than one local food came being used in a solitary dish and came to be known as Fusion Cuisine, this cooking can now and again yield poor outcomes as it doesn't have a place with any one culture and gets to stirred up. Combination food was valid in 1980s as the thought was new and new. (Gisslen, 2009) End The advancement of preparing has took hundreds of years to consummate, from the times of the wild grass glue to the cutting edge methods of bread making apparatus. Gradually a portion of the strategy are moving out of the situation with raising medical problem and concerns .People are moving out of the substantial fats and oils, moving into a greater amount of lighter fats and more beneficial flour. The fate of heating will me increasingly creative stoves, more advantageous and entire grain breads and developments in the pastry shops associations. Rundown OF REFERENCES Adams, A., 2013. Preparing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 3 january 2014]. Anon., 2012. The Food Tchnology Website. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2 January 2014]. Gisslen, W., 2005. Proficient Baking. fourth ed. Hoboken, NEw Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc.. Gisslen, W., 2005. Proficient Baking. fourth ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc.. Gisslen, W., 2009. Proficient Baking. fifth ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc.. Gisslen, W., 2009. Proficient Baking. fifth ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc..
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Princess Charming Essay -- Disney Fairytales Essays
Princess Charming Technique I began considering a suitable subject for my Field Report months back. I thought about the universe of Punk culture in Chicago. At that point I chose I knew a lot of effectively about this so I considered maybe skateboard culture. At any rate along these lines I could get the hang of something that I was curious about with firsthand. Yet at the same time, I have had a lot of presentation to skateboarding so I continued looking. I thought about the effectively endorsed subjects and took a gander at legends in fantasies. I have been an aficionado of Disney films since I was pretty much nothing, and other than thinking about which princess I wished to resemble most, I never thought about them. When I started to consider them, I thought of certain ends that make my perspective on Disney, and of fantasies all in all, not exactly supernatural. I presumed that my reason would be that to be sure fantasies are rich with fables thinking about their immortality, oral custom, and legendary stories loaded with regular subjects. Be that as it may, these themes go past simply sentiment, experience, and abhorrence. Remembered for this rundown ought to be the ridiculous norms for female magnificence, female reliance on guys for personality, female accommodation, and the possibility that ladies should be by one way or another spared by a gallant man. This examination isn't proposed to demonstrate that fantasies are themselves underhanded or discourage perusers from ever viewing another Disney re-make. It will rather ideally urge watchers to watch with an increasingly basic eye, and in perceiving both the positive and negative folkloric attributes of the movies, change the idea of a fantasy as a young lady's fantasy, to what it truly is; an invented story proposed for the diversion and delight of youngsters. ... ...e how filmmaking and its characters have advanced after some time and what sort of progress we are making. Generally speaking however, I delighted in taking a gander at these two motion pictures from another, increasingly basic, viewpoint. There are a ton of shrouded implications that I wasn't already mindful of. When I began paying heed, they got universal. I anticipate the day when a lady keeps the door open for a man, a forceful and sure lady isn't portrayed as the scalawag, and a man anticipates his princess enchanting. Works Cited: Campbell, Joseph. 1961. Takeoff, Chapter 1 in Hero with a Thousand Faces, first distributed 1949, 49-95. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Cinderella. Walt Disney, 1950. Green, Philip. Splits in Hollywood belief system and Gender in Hollywood. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998. Resting Beauty. Walt Disney, 1959.
Friday, July 24, 2020
Screening for Borderline Personality Disorder
Screening for Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Diagnosis Print Screening for Borderline Personality Disorder By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 13, 2020 Hero Images / Getty Images More in BPD Diagnosis Treatment Living With BPD Related Conditions There are no specific tests that can diagnose borderline personality disorder (BPD); however, mental health professionals often use screening instruments to help them identify a particular diagnosis. Here are several common types of screening tools that may be used to diagnose BPD. The McLean Screening Instrument The McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder (MSI-BPD) is a commonly used 10-item measure to screen for BPD. This measure was developed as a very brief paper-and-pencil test to detect possible BPD in people who are seeking treatment or who have a history of treatment. The MSI-BPD was developed by Dr. Mary Zanarini and her colleagues at McLean Hospital.?? The test consists of 10 items that are based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder. The first eight items of the MSI-BPD represent the first eight DSM-IV/5 diagnostic criteria for BPD, while the last two items assess the final DSM-IV/5 criterion, i.e., the paranoia/dissociation criterion. Scoring of the MSI-BPD Each item is rated as a 1 if it is present and a 0 if it is absent, and items are totaled for possible scores ranging from 0 to 10. A score of 7 has been determined to be a good diagnostic cut-off, meaning that a score of 7 or higher indicates that you are likely to meet criteria for borderline personality disorder. Uses for the MSI-BPD The MSI-BPD is a useful tool for detecting individuals who may have borderline personality features. Preliminary research suggests it may be helpful in detecting BPD in the general population,?? but more studies in community samples are needed. It has shown to be very effective in detecting possible BPD in people who are seeking treatment or who have a history of treatment for mental health problems. Psychometric Properties of the MSI-BPD The MSI-BPD has demonstrated good psychometric properties. It has adequate internal consistency and good test and retest reliability. It has also demonstrated good sensitivity and specificity for detecting borderline personality disorder when a score of 7 is used as a diagnostic cut-off. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Personality Disorders (SCID-5-PD) This official clinical interview of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is an update of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (SCID-II) but is very similar.?? Your mental health professional may use this screening tool to help find your diagnosis by asking you questions directly related to the criteria for BPD that are listed in the DSM-5. This screening instrument also has an optional self-reporting questionnaire with 108 questions that you, the patient, can answer, but not all clinicians who choose the SCID-5-PD will use this. Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire, 4th Edition (PDQ-4) This screening test consists of 99 true or false questions that can help screen for different personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder.?? Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder (ZAN-BPD) This tool, also developed by Dr. Mary Zanarini, is used for patients who have already been diagnosed with BPD to see if there have been any changes over time.?? Which Tool Is Best? A recent study using the first three of these screening methods with adolescents and young adults showed that the screening instrument were all equally effective in predicting a diagnosis of BPD.??
Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay on William Shakespeares The Tempest - 2363 Words
William Shakespeares The Tempest Generally acknowledged as one of Shakespeares final plays, The Tempest may be described as a romantic tragi-comedy - where love and contentment prosper despite the threatening presence of evil forces. However, beyond the almost fairy-tale like exterior lies a seemingly direct approach to a greatly topical debate at the time. This was the supposed contrast between civilised and uncivilised persons, brought to the fore as a result of recent expeditions overseas. Although pioneering voyages of discovery were not a recent commodity since the travels of Christopher Columbus, almost a century earlier, it wasnt until the early sixteen hundreds that such voyages†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, it would appear that Shakespeare was also inspired to explore the intricate relationship between natural man and civilised man as a result of a range of popular contemporary theories. Advocates of civilised man, customarily supporters of colonialism, presented natives of newly discovered land as savage, intemperate and brutal in contrast to the alleged nobility and self-control of themselves. Such a view was demonstrated by the theorist Sandy in his essay, Nature is Vile. On the other hand, contemporaries such as Rousseau and Montaigne opposed this viewpoint. Montaignes essay Des Cannibales, which discussed the value of societies unaffected by civilisation, was evidently familiar to Shakespeare who echoed the Frenchmans phrases extensively throughout the play. Hence, we can assume that foreign affairs and popular contemporary theories in the seventeenth century inspired Shakespeare to explore the notion that civilisation was superior to nature, and possibly contend this in his play. In fact, our very understanding of the play, and in particular its characters, relies upon the awareness of popular European attitudes from the seventeenth century. Shakespeare named and described his cast most particularly, as if to ensure that his audience would instantly recognise theShow MoreRelatedEssay on William Shakespeares The Tempest1420 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares The Tempest Consider the character of Prospero and show how he used his position to control many of the characters in the play and how his actions contribute to the dramatic effectiveness. How do his actions and the attitude of the characters to him relate to the events and thinking of Shakespeares day? In the Tempest, the character of Prospero is the protagonist. Prospero is the father of Miranda and has spent twelve years on the island Read MoreEssay on William Shakespeares The Tempest2096 Words  | 9 PagesWilliam Shakespeares The Tempest Love, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is a â€Å"strong affection†, a â€Å"warm attraction†, an â€Å"unselfish loyal and benevolent concern†for another. It is â€Å"to feel a passion, devotion, or tenderness†for another. Love is simple and yet so utterly complex. Love is that which has the power to build you up and when taken away has the potential to knock you down. The Tempest by William Shakespeare is a political play with a love story woven throughout it. This taleRead More Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest Essay1246 Words  | 5 PagesProspero in William Shakespeares The Tempest Prospero has long been read as one of Shakespeare’s most cherished and provocative protagonists. His timeless role in â€Å"The Tempest†has provided readers and critics with insights into many attributes of Shakespeare as a man, his works, and the political views that are personified in his play. The historical context of â€Å"The Tempest†is one that convincingly conveys the political views of the English people of his time, relating to the colonizationRead MoreThe Role Of Utopia In William Shakespeares The Tempest1509 Words  | 7 Pagesnovels and plays have been written about utopian and dystopian society. Gonzalo, a character in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest describes how he would be able to form a utopian society on the Island he has been shipwrecked on with many others. However, the current state of the island and its inhabitants are living in a very dystopian society. The state of the island where the characters of The Tempest are shipwrec ked is far from the definition of a utopia, because of the complete lack of equalityRead MoreEssay on Mothers in William Shakespeares The Tempest1502 Words  | 7 PagesMothers in William Shakespeares The Tempest Although Miranda’s mother and Sycorax never actually appear in The Tempest, their memories occupy a precarious position in Prospero’s will to power. Prospero invokes the memory of Miranda’s mother to legitimize his lineage, yet feels threatened by the control she exerts over it. His narration deftly erases his wife’s presence from Miranda’s memory, rendering him the sole purveyor of his daughter’s imagination. Prospero employs a discourse whichRead More Slavery and Freedom in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest Essay1978 Words  | 8 PagesSlavery and Freedom in William Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Tempest†The subtly comedic interactions and juxtapositions between masters and slaves in William Shakespeare’s â€Å"The Tempest†generate a question which has been the source of much controversy throughout history: are the hierarchical classifications â€Å"slave†and â€Å"free†reflections of a person’s fundamental nature, or are they social constructions based on bias and self-interest which have nothing to do with absolute truth? This question is crucialRead More Prospero and Caliban of William Shakespeares The Tempest Essay1036 Words  | 5 PagesProspero and Caliban of William Shakespeares The Tempest  Within The Tempest, characters such as Prospero and Caliban share an intimate connection. Without some kind of malevolent force motivating the action of the play, none of the major characters would come into contact with each other. A violent storm, formed by Prosperos magic, subjects the foreign characters to the might of his mysterious power. Issues of control become a central part of The Tempest. One way in which this is highlightedRead MoreEssay on Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest2266 Words  | 10 PagesProspero in William Shakespeares The Tempest In act 1 we learn that Prospero is a very complex character with many different aspects to his presentation. The first and probably the most obvious aspect to his character is that of the magician. 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A few of the characters touched by Prospero’s actions include FerdinandRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares The Tempest Act One, Scene One626 Words  | 3 PagesWilliam Shakespeares The Tempest Act One, Scene One This scene introduces the play, and is set during on a ship during a ferocious storm. The passengers are the royal party of the King of Naples, and include the King Alonso, his brother Sebastian, the Prince Ferdinand, and the Kings counsellors, Gonzalo and Antonio. The storm, which begins the play, isnt real, but has been conjured by Prospero, a magus, to lure the passengers to his island. This storm is also representation
Thursday, May 7, 2020
My Family Growing Up By Dr. Cleamon Moorer - 2229 Words
â€Å"We all have the capacity to create our own destiny.†This quote from our first African American president Barack Obama truly resonated with me, along with your story, Dr. Cleamon Moorer, that was purely orchestrated by God. Two highly accomplished and successful African American men, whose lives give me and many others hope that anything is possible as long as you never give up on yourself and more importantly on God. Background: Who am I My family growing up was composed of a strong devoted mother, who was a housewife; an equally strong father who was the provider; an older sister, who taught me how to be true to myself; an older brother, who inspired me to love and live life to the fullest; and an even older brother, who influenced me to dream big. As you read, I was the youngest of four children and was known for being a smartass. I had a question and answer for everything. If I didn’t know all the answers I still had the convincing conviction of my argument like most politicians. In other words, at a very young age I had a thirst for knowledge and to be the great white hope for my family. I came from a household composed of a father making a little over minimum wage that had to be stretched paper thin to raise a family of six. Although we had very little money, we had each other and God. Therefore, I lived in a low income community and was zoned to schools which lacked a lot of materi als and programs needed to provide a quality education that equated to what was
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What I Did Last School Holiday Free Essays
In the last school holidays, my family and I return village to celebrate the up coming days with relatives. My village is located in Penang. I think this year’s election is more fun than the previous years because of this feast, there will be a meaningful day for my aunt, the marriage ceremony. We will write a custom essay sample on What I Did Last School Holiday or any similar topic only for you Order Now Men who successfully captured the hearts of my aunt come from Alor Gajah, Perak. Me, my family and relatives happy because my aunt already a men’s wife. Because of the wedding, I and relatives can gather together in the village. When the feast ahead of the first day, me and my relatives went to the mosque as usual to perform the Eid prayers and listen to a sermon by the preacher. There are many important and meaningful knowledge can I get in sermon. I was touched and happy as many fellows Muslim went to mosque. After that, I, my family and relatives went to visit the grave of grandfather, uncle and relatives who had died. The tomb is near the mosque. In this area was clean, quiet and have green plants. For the area are responsible maintaining guardians in the tomb. When we visited the grave will create awareness of ourselves and always remember the dead. We also visited the neighbour house. Due to the feast of the forth day, my aunt’s wedding, so on the second and third election, I and other relatives who are busy doing weddings preparation to ensure the event runs smoothly. We work together to do a job. Thank God, they are so sporting, cool, not resolved and selfless. They are also helpful to one another. Some of the work we all do is updating and decorating the house, cooking, boiled eggs, and packing goodies together. I’m happy with them as in busy condition, they are my relatives still managed to make me and my relatives laugh with their joke. In the forth feast, a historic day for my aunt my new uncle’s recently has come to say, their wedding. The mother of my aunt and also my grandmother definitely felt happy to get law and felt sad too because her youngest daughter become my new uncle owned. On that day, everyone without exception had been given the task to be performed for the success of the event so smoothly and orderly. I and one of the relatives are asks to give goodies to the guest that present at the ceremony. There are many guests present at the event and surrounding quite lively. Thank God, during the event, everything smoothly with what is planned. The feast of the fifth and sixth, I, my family and relatives carry life like a normal person. Sometimes, we also managed to visit interest places in Penang. At least, hat we spend time with seeking knowledge and get new experiences. In the seventh feast, we make trip go to Alor Gajah, Perak to attend a wedding in the house of my new uncle. When all business was completed, I and my relatives back to our own house. My family and I travel to our house at Kompleks Penjara Sg. Buloh. The travel takes in four to five hours. Thank God, our travel smooth and does not happen something undesirable. I’m happy can spend ho liday times with family and relatives. Hopefully, we can go to village and with my relatives again. How to cite What I Did Last School Holiday, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Othello Essays (1364 words) - Othello, Iago, Emilia, Michael Cassio
Othello Othello, written by William Shakespeare is the story of Othello, the protagonist and tragic hero of the play. A Moor commanding the armies of Venice, he is a celebrated general and heroic figure whose "free and open nature" will enable Iago to twist his love for his wife Desdemona into a powerful jealousy. Iago is Othello's ensign, and Shakespeare's greatest villain. His public face of bravery and honesty conceals a Satanic delight in manipulation and destruction. Passed over for a promotion by his commander, he vows to destroy the Moor. If Iago is an artist of evil, then this scene is the finest canvas he paints. This is the crucial moment in the play, the scene where he, , deceives Othello and induces him to fall. He does so by expanding on the tactics used in prior scenes. Once the seed of doubt is planted in the Moor's mind with a quick "Ha! I like not that" (III.iii.35) (when they come upon Desdemona and Cassio) and a few probing questions about the ex-lieutenant's relationship to Othello's wife, Iago retreats into the guise he has adopted. He becomes "honest Iago," again, as in the brawl in Act II, scene ii--the reluctant truth-teller who must have unpleasant news dragged from him by a determined Othello. The honesty suggested by his reluctance to speak is reinforced by the moralizing tone that he takes with his commander. Iago actually lectures Othello, warning him against jealousy ("the green-eyed monster") and insisting that he will not speak slander: "he that filches from me my good name / Robs of that which not enriches him / And makes me poor indeed" (III.iii.158-61). At the same time, he plays upon the insecurities of the honest, noble African in sophisticated, decadent Venice by lecturing Othello on how Venetian women are deceitful and treacherous by nature. The overall effect is to pour verbal poison in his master's ear--not by lying, but by flavoring truth with innuendo. Othello will later declare that he is "not easily jealous," and that assessment of his character seems to be shared by most of the figures around him in the play. The critical response is mixed--some critics insist that his claims to be innocent of jealousy are merely self-justifying, and certainly he slips easily into assuming his wife to be unfaithful. Other critics make the distinction between an inner, self-created jealousy, which he seems to lack, and a deep insecurity and "trusting nature," as Iago puts it, which allow a clever manipulator to plant seeds of doubt. Behind his insecurity lies a man uneasy with his place in Venetian society: he may have married a white woman, a daughter of a Senator, but can he keep her? The seizure of the handkerchief is a great coup for Iago in his quest to destroy Othello, and he is aided by his wife, who apparently has no scruples about betraying her mistress in small matters. Shakespeare will eventually transform Emilia into a voice of moral outrage, and by the final scene the audience will applaud her role in Iago's destruction, but for now it is worth noticing that she is only Iago's accomplice. It will take a great shock to inspire outrage against him--a shock which comes too late. The scene ends with Iago triumphant, named as lieutenant (the rank to which he aspired from the beginning) to a man bent on destruction, and ready to join in that destruction himself--because in killing Cassio and Desdemona, Othello is killing himself. And that, of course, has been Iago's goal from the beginning. Othello's wild, violent behavior in front of Lodovico, in which he strikes his wife and abuses her for no apparent reason, demonstrate the perversion of order that Iago has brought about. There is no one to halt Othello's lawlessness, because he himself is the law in Cyprus. Othello's accusations and refusal to accept Desdemona's denials are brutal and unfair, but his language recovers some of the nobility that it had lost in previous scenes. Iago-like curses are replaced by sorrowful laments for what has been lost, and the audience is reminded the heroism and dignity that Othello possessed at the beginning of the play. His cry "O, thou weed, / Who art so lovely fair, and smell'st so sweet, / That the sense aches at thee--would thou hadst ne'er / been born!" (IV.ii.69-72) is a powerful expression of the love that he still holds for his wife, which has been ruined for ever by Iago's poisons. Othello is wrong, terribly wrong, but Shakespeare demands that
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